Sunday, August 28, 2016

Have you ever felt a still presence that lurks in the background of your dreams?
A gift sent from the stars, from conception, to stand guard in calm strong and silent sentience.
Ever vigilant as seasons pass to the paths your soul wanders.
Do you know its form?
Are you aware its existence?

God, to understand the message it keeps.
To grasp at its purpose and catch a small glimpse into the secrets it holds.
To give chase after The Mystic through the forests of reflection for a single pearl of devine wisdom in hopes of a faint glimpse of enlightenment is both stimulating and vexing.
But I feel I must!
For giving up this grand chase would be the death of my dreams!
A fall into the dark abyss of incompleteness.
The destruction and death of me.

Friday, August 19, 2016

The older I get the less I know.
The more that life throws, the more I grow.
Stride for stride, I travel the land.
Sojourner. Traveler. Fate in my hands.
Path over path, I wander this land.