Tuesday, January 3, 2017


I'm losing the ability to blend in.
To bullshit.
To sugar coat the truth.
The ability to exchange pleasantries
for the mere purpose to make others feel good.
The world calls it normal
but I think it a sickening insanity
to bandaid over pains with simple words.

How many times has someone said
"Things will be better. Just wait"


"Good things will come. Things will get better.."

and these things actually helped?

Often things get much worse before they get better.

Often nights get darker before the sun rises.

Who are we to say things will get better?

How do we have any idea that this is the turning point in a chapter?

We don't.

So why do we act so omnipotent and inhuman with these idle pleasantries?
How many times have we failed one another in hoping, thinking and believing
things are turning around only to have the storm rage on to kill all hopes?
To darken our faith once again?

I think it's because we fear getting involved.
Plunging into storms and losing our comforts
to comfort another.

Sometimes we cannot walk the storms with others.
But we can offer to be there.
Truly and fully be there.

I believe comfort truly comes from getting your hands dirty.
Diving into life with both hands when you can.
Not to be a hero.
But to be a companion.
A friend.
A constant in an ever changing world.

Let people know how strong they are when they forget.
Helping isn't always being the hand that lifts another up.

Sometimes it's about being the soul who can get down and hold you through the storm.

You fight when you're ready.

You fight when you can.

I'll be here. 

I will not tell you it'll be okay.
Because it might not be.
But I can say,
whatever it is.
I will be here.
I will protect you until you can stand.
But I will not be the one to spoonfeed you bullshit
to make you feel better.
I will not feed you poison.